About Pelham Homes

Pelham Homes Limited is part of the Nottingham Community Housing Association (NCHA) Group. It was incorporated as Lets Select in 2004 as a commercial company to carry out any profit-making activities within the Group.

Our main activity is providing housing for sale - we aim to build 50 homes per year. Other activities include services to external clients, such as architectural design and project management. 

Building The Drift

We aim to build 50 homes a year for sale or market rent through joint venture agreements or direct development sites

Pelham Homes
Corporate Plan

Our vision

Our principal aim is to generate profits that will be gift-aided back to NCHA to help it add more social value to the wider community. We call this approach “building profit for a purpose”.

"Building profit for a purpose"

Our values


To apply an ethical and sustainable approach to all of our business activities


Value for moneyValue for money

To achieve value for money in all areas of our business


Meeting needsMeeting needs

To meet market needs of local communities, local authorities and partner organisations



To develop and nurture joint venture working partnerships


Our plan

If you would like to know more about our work, please take a look at our Corporate Plan.